Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Tgn U ke tgn I ???

Even on that day have class ttp lancar kan project.'Laling dis month we spend time & money together'....hahaha tu pn cam hampir xjadi...coz masing2 de committment...i de clas n intan lak ttba de training.....hampeh tul.....gimik je tu....Lps je abs ngan comittment masing2, kitaorng pn lancar kan senjata yg cukup membazir hehehe shopping smpai koyak.Mula la mata meliar tgk kiri kanan..sbnrnye pe yg aku nk cari pn xtau la,niat d hati nk teman intan shopping & tlg bawa beg intan je..huhuh skali masing2 xcukup tgn sbb suma kedai de tagging (tu yg best)....floor by floor kitaorng survey siap 2x round..pastu bila nk g kedai yg sebelum nye xjmpa..ni msti kes rambang...rupa nye on that day is 'Earth Hour'.W/pn bz teman intan shoppg hehehe ttp merasa suasana Earth Hour sbb de kedai yg switch off n juz on emergency light.Tu pn xrasa penat cuma kaki je rasa cam nk patah br la kitaorng amk keputusan untuk balik.So public transport is our 1st choice to avoid traffic jam n drive safely to Shah Alam.

Why r we feel happy after spend a lot of money??


  1. uihh sopping ape tuuu??

    erk sopping gelap2 best ke?huhuhu;)

  2. oit...play safe yer laling...byk kli tol mention teman intan sopin..aiyak uwerkkk
